Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bart's call, June 26th 2011, 2pm

Bart just called. He is 17 miles away from his finish. He is so super super tired, tries to keep his speed to be in before dark. He had to stop to eat and drink something to get more power. I told him that we have TV and a fotografer waiting for him to get him fired up for the last miles of his amazing crossing. What an accomplishment, the toughest adventure he ever did, and he did quite a few in the past. Now we are getting ready. Everything is set up, ready for the big final: Leis, fruit plate, a teddy from Soleil, by the way - a really cute one -, Chris Jenson from HAWAII STREAM with life streaming and video coverage, Dennis Fujimoto from "The Garden Island" of Kauai, and depending on the time of his arrival, a cheering crowd, and last but not least, Soleil and I on the beach waiting.

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